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Editorial Sections

Ink 19 sets itself apart by publishing out of the ordinary reviews, interviews, articles, and features on an unlimited range of subjects. Here are a few guidelines to help contributors learn the ropes.


Ink 19 podcast summaries, long-form stories, tales from the road, interesting news, and other phenomenal writings fill our Features section. We have no set agenda, instead hoping to voice many different viewpoints on any issue.

  • 500-1,500 words
  • If you have a great idea, run it by us. If you want to do something special, let us know.
  • The main criteria for a piece is that it be true — not necessarily non-fiction, but real. If it’s fiction, write it from the heart. If you feel strongly about an issue, chances are someone else will, too!
  • If you do pen something in the non-fiction vein, we insist that you do your research. Reading something somewhere doesn’t necessarily make it true. Cite your sources.

Features on


Conversations with directors, musicians, entertainment professionals, and other interesting and relevant people appear in the Interviews section.

  • 500-1,500 words.
  • Include an introduction before Q&A content.
  • Get your subject’s quotes right — recording the interview is recommended, but if that’s not possible, take precise notes.
  • Interviews make better sense to readers when there is something to promote. Time this type of writing to correspond with an artist’s new release or project.
  • Looking to interview a person outside of our available Opportunities? Tell us first. Ink 19 editors can set you up and confirm credentials.

Interviews on

Event Reviews

Personal reviews of concerts, festivals, stand-ups, one-acts, live theater, live streams, performance art, school bus races, and other parades of human entertainment are all found in Event Reviews.

  • 350 words or less to be considered short. 700 words means something spectacular. 1,200 is max for anything and means you really have something to say.
  • Write the review in standard prose form. Creative approaches are not barred, but please make them good. A show review should capture the feel of the event — a mix of facts and impressions works best, and the proportion is up to you.
  • Complaining about guest list problems is like complaining about the admin. Don’t do it. It lacks class. Negative comments about the club, audience, seating, etc. are not forbidden, but should be made as objectively as possible, and not used as a basis for the review.
  • Review supporting acts. The whole idea of having a smaller band open for a larger one is to gain exposure by contagion. Even a sentence or so will do, and a brief mention boosts your credibility as a reviewer. Missing the opening acts because of events beyond your control is one thing, but not caring enough about the show to see the opening acts is not acceptable. If you are going to cover a show, plan to cover the whole show.

Event Reviews on

Music Reviews

We’ll review any recorded medium (digital, physical, ethereal, etc.) in any musical genre, as long as it’s publicly available — sorry, no demos.

  • 200 words is a good place to start. Longer reviews are fine, too.
  • Highlight standout tracks — it’s not necessary to mention every track.
  • Include relevant URLs that lead readers to listen to more or support the artist with a purchase.

Music Reviews on

Print Reviews

We review books, magazines, comics, fanzines, graphic novels, retrospectives, memoirs, manifestos and any other printed matter you can name.

  • 200-750 words.
  • A summary of the plot is usually required to pique interest and help everyone follow along.
  • Include your emotional reactions to the writing and tell the reader a little bit about the author where that makes sense.
  • Particularly poignant quotes add impact.
  • Include the publisher’s and author’s URLs.

Print Reviews on

Screen Reviews

Screen reviews include films, television programs, music videos, DVDs, and streaming visual content.

  • 200-750 words.
  • A summary of the plot is usually required to pique interest and help everyone follow along.
  • Include relevant background information, your emotional reactions, and any unique production details.
  • Mention main characters and spell the actors’ names correctly, please.
  • Particularly poignant quotes add impact.
  • Include the studio’s and venue’s URLs, as appropriate.

Screen Reviews on

Gear Reviews

Musical equipment of all sorts, computer stuff, running shoes, makeup brushes — these are all gear in someone’s world. We’re also open to other forms of media and equipment — software goes over well, for example, and in the past, we’ve reviewed everything from household cleaning products to fast food to bottled water.

  • 200-750 words.
  • Reviews are, by nature, a whole lot better when you’ve actually experienced the thing you’re reviewing. Please do. Every time.
  • Include manufacturers’ and distributors’ URLs.

Gear Reviews on